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raw_vehicle_command_converter is a node that converts desired acceleration and velocity to mechanical input by using feed forward + feed back control (optional).

Input topics#

Name Type Description
~/input/control_cmd autoware_auto_control_msgs::msg::AckermannControlCommand target velocity/acceleration/steering_angle/steering_angle_velocity is necessary to calculate actuation command.
~/input/steering" autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs::SteeringReport current status of steering used for steering feed back control
~/input/twist navigation_msgs::Odometry twist topic in odometry is used.

Output topics#

Name Type Description
~/output/actuation_cmd tier4_vehicle_msgs::msg::ActuationCommandStamped actuation command for vehicle to apply mechanical input


Parameter Type Description
update_rate double timer's update rate
th_max_message_delay_sec double threshold time of input messages' maximum delay
th_arrived_distance_m double threshold distance to check if vehicle has arrived at the trajectory's endpoint
th_stopped_time_sec double threshold time to check if vehicle is stopped
th_stopped_velocity_mps double threshold velocity to check if vehicle is stopped


The current feed back implementation is only applied to steering control.

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