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This node manages AutowareState transitions.

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
/planning/mission_planning/route autoware_auto_planning_msgs::msg::HADMapRoute Subscribe route
/localization/kinematic_state nav_msgs::msg::Odometry Used to decide whether vehicle is stopped or not
/vehicle/state_report autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs::msg::ControlModeReport Used to check vehicle mode: autonomous or manual.


Name Type Description
/autoware/engage autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs::msg::Engage publish disengage flag on AutowareState transition
/autoware/state autoware_auto_system_msgs::msg::AutowareState publish AutowareState


Node Parameters#

Name Type Default Value Explanation
update_rate int 10 Timer callback period.

Core Parameters#

Name Type Default Value Explanation
th_arrived_distance_m double 1.0 threshold distance to check if vehicle has arrived at the route's endpoint
th_stopped_time_sec double 1.0 threshold time to check if vehicle is stopped
th_stopped_velocity_mps double 0.01 threshold velocity to check if vehicle is stopped
disengage_on_route bool true send disengage flag or not when the route is subscribed
disengage_on_goal bool true send disengage flag or not when the vehicle is arrived goal

Assumptions / Known limits#


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