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Behavior Velocity Planner#


behavior_velocity_planner is a planner that adjust velocity based on the traffic rules. It consists of several modules. Please refer to the links listed below for detail on each module.

When each module plans velocity, it considers based on base_link(center of rear-wheel axis) pose. So for example, in order to stop at a stop line with the vehicles' front on the stop line, it calculates base_link position from the distance between base_link to front and modifies path velocity from the base_link position.


Input topics#

Name Type Description
~input/path_with_lane_id autoware_auto_planning_msgs::msg::PathWithLaneId path with lane_id
~input/vector_map autoware_auto_mapping_msgs::msg::HADMapBin vector map
~input/vehicle_odometry nav_msgs::msg::Odometry vehicle velocity
~input/dynamic_objects autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::PredictedObjects dynamic objects
~input/no_ground_pointcloud sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 obstacle pointcloud
~input/traffic_signals autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::TrafficSignalArray traffic light states

Output topics#

Name Type Description
~output/path autoware_auto_planning_msgs::msg::Path path to be followed
~output/stop_reasons tier4_planning_msgs::msg::StopReasonArray reasons that cause the vehicle to stop

Node parameters#

Parameter Type Description
launch_blind_spot bool whether to launch blind_spot module
launch_crosswalk bool whether to launch crosswalk module
launch_detection_area bool whether to launch detection_area module
launch_intersection bool whether to launch intersection module
launch_traffic_light bool whether to launch traffic light module
launch_stop_line bool whether to launch stop_line module
launch_occlusion_spot bool whether to launch occlusion_spot module
forward_path_length double forward path length
backward_path_length double backward path length
max_accel double (to be a global parameter) max acceleration of the vehicle
delay_response_time double (to be a global parameter) delay time of the vehicle's response to control commands
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