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Scan Ground Filter#


The purpose of this node is that remove the ground points from the input pointcloud.

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

This algorithm works by following steps,

  1. Divide whole pointclouds into groups by horizontal angle and sort by xy-distance.
  2. Check the distance and vertical angle of the point one by one.
  3. Set a center of the ground contact point of the rear or front wheels as the initial point.
  4. Check vertical angle between the points. If the angle from the initial point is larger than "global_slope_max", the point is classified as "no ground".
  5. If the angle from the previous point is larger than "local_max_slope", the point is classified as "no ground".
  6. Otherwise the point is labeled as "ground point".
  7. If the distance from the last checked point is close, ignore any vertical angle and set current point attribute to the same as the last point.

Inputs / Outputs#

This implementation inherits pointcloud_preprocessor::Filter class, please refer README.


Node Parameters#

This implementation inherits pointcloud_preprocessor::Filter class, please refer README.

Core Parameters#

Name Type Default Value Description
base_frame string "base_link" base_link frame
global_slope_max double 8.0 The global angle to classify as the ground or object [deg]
local_max_slope double 6.0 The local angle to classify as the ground or object [deg]
radial_divider_angle double 1.0 The angle which divide the whole pointcloud to sliced group [deg]
split_points_distance_tolerance double 0.2 The xy-distance threshold to to distinguishing far and near [m]
split_height_distance double 0.2 The height threshold to distinguishing far and near [m]
use_virtual_ground_point bool true whether to use the ground center of front wheels as the virtual ground point.

Assumptions / Known limits#

(Optional) Error detection and handling#

(Optional) Performance characterization#

(Optional) Future extensions / Unimplemented parts#

  • Horizontal check for classification is not implemented yet.
  • Output ground visibility for diagnostic is not implemented yet.
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