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euclidean_cluster is a package for clustering points into smaller parts to classify objects.

This package has two clustering methods: euclidean_cluster and voxel_grid_based_euclidean_cluster.

Inner-workings / Algorithms#


pcl::EuclideanClusterExtraction is applied to points. See official document for details.


  1. A centroid in each voxel is calculated by pcl::VoxelGrid.
  2. The centroids are clustered by pcl::EuclideanClusterExtraction.
  3. The input points are clustered based on the clustered centroids.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
input sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 input pointcloud


Name Type Description
output tier4_perception_msgs::msg::DetectedObjectsWithFeature cluster pointcloud
debug/clusters sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 colored cluster pointcloud for visualization


Core Parameters#


Name Type Description
use_height bool use point.z for clustering
min_cluster_size int the minimum number of points that a cluster needs to contain in order to be considered valid
max_cluster_size int the maximum number of points that a cluster needs to contain in order to be considered valid
tolerance float the spatial cluster tolerance as a measure in the L2 Euclidean space


Name Type Description
use_height bool use point.z for clustering
min_cluster_size int the minimum number of points that a cluster needs to contain in order to be considered valid
max_cluster_size int the maximum number of points that a cluster needs to contain in order to be considered valid
tolerance float the spatial cluster tolerance as a measure in the L2 Euclidean space
voxel_leaf_size float the voxel leaf size of x and y
min_points_number_per_voxel int the minimum number of points for a voxel

Assumptions / Known limits#

(Optional) Error detection and handling#

(Optional) Performance characterization#

(Optional) Future extensions / Unimplemented parts#

The use_height option of voxel_grid_based_euclidean_cluster isn't implemented yet.

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