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Extra Lanelet Subtypes#

Roadside Lane#

The subtypes for this lanelet classify the outer lanes adjacent to the driving lane.Since the list of lanelet subtypes defined in this link cannot represent the shoulder lane and pedestrian lane described below, two new subtypes are defined.When parking on the street, it is necessary to distinguish between a shoulder lane which can be used by vehicles, and a pedestrian lane which can be used by pedestrians and bicycles.If you park in a shoulder lane, you can use the entire lane for temporary parking, but if you park in a pedestrian lane, you must leave a space of at least 75cm.

Road shoulder subtype#

  • refers: lanelet with subtype attribute. Subtype explains what the type of roadside it represents. If there is an area outside of this roadside lane that is open to traffic, such as a sidewalk or bike lane, select the road_shoulder subtype.

Road shoulder

Sample road shoulder in .osm format is shown below:

  <relation id="120700">
    <member type="way" role="left" ref="34577"/>
    <member type="way" role="right" ref="120694"/>
    <tag k="type" v="lanelet"/>
    <tag k="subtype" v="road_shoulder"/>
    <tag k="speed_limit" v="10"/>
    <tag k="location" v="urban"/>
    <tag k="one_way" v="yes"/>

Pedestrian lane subtype#

  • refers: lanelet with subtype attribute. Subtype explains what the type of roadside it represents. If there are no passable areas outside of this roadside lane, select the pedestrian_lane subtype.

Pedestrian lane

Sample pedestrian lane in .osm format is shown below:

  <relation id="120700">
    <member type="way" role="left" ref="34577"/>
    <member type="way" role="right" ref="120694"/>
    <tag k="type" v="lanelet"/>
    <tag k="subtype" v="pedestrian_lane"/>
    <tag k="speed_limit" v="10"/>
    <tag k="location" v="urban"/>
    <tag k="one_way" v="yes"/>
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