Trajectory Follower Nodes#
Generate control commands to follow a given Trajectory.
This functionality is decomposed into three nodes. - @subpage lateral-controller-design : generates lateral control messages. - @subpage longitudinal-controller-design : generates longitudinal control messages. - @subpage latlon-muxer-design : combines the lateral and longitudinal control commands into a single control command.
Core functionalities are implemented in the @subpage trajectory_follower-package-design package.
@image html images/trajectory_follower-diagram.png "Overview of the Trajectory Follower package"
Debug information are published by the lateral and longitudinal controller using autoware_auto_msgs/Float32MultiArrayDiagnostic
A configuration file for PlotJuggler is provided in the config
folder which, when loaded, allow to automatically subscribe and visualize information useful for debugging.
In addition, the predicted MPC trajectory is published on topic output/lateral/predicted_trajectory
and can be visualized in Rviz.