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Lateral/Longitudinal Control Muxer#


When using controllers that independently compute lateral and longitudinal commands, this node combines the resulting messages into a single control command message.


Inputs. - AckermannLateralCommand: lateral command. - LongitudinalCommand: longitudinal command.

Output. - AckermannControlCommand: message containing both lateral and longitudinal commands.

Parameter. - timeout_thr_sec: duration in second after which input messages are discarded.

Each time the node receives an input message it publishes an AckermannControlCommand if the following two conditions are met. 1. Both inputs have been received. 2. The last received input messages are not older than defined by timeout_thr_sec.

Implementation Details#

Callbacks latCtrlCmdCallback and lonCtrlCmdCallback are defined for each input message. Upon reception, the message is stored and function publishCmd is called.

Function publishCmd first checks that both messages have been received and that the stored messages are not older than the timeout. If both conditions are true, the combined control message is built and published.

checkTimeout is used to check that the stored messages are not too old by comparing the timeout parameter timeout_thr_sec with the difference between rclcpp::Time stamp and the current time now().

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