Lateral Controller#
This is the design document for the lateral controller node
in the trajectory_follower_nodes
Purpose / Use cases#
This node is used to general lateral control commands (steering angle and steering rate) when following a path.
The node uses an implementation of linear model predictive control (MPC) for accurate path tracking. The MPC uses a model of the vehicle to simulate the trajectory resulting from the control command. The optimization of the control command is formulated as a Quadradic Program (QP).
These functionalities are implemented in the trajectory_follower
(see @subpage trajectory_follower-mpc-design)
Assumptions / Known limits#
The tracking is not accurate if the first point of the reference trajectory is at or in front of the current ego pose. - Issue to add points behind ego:
Inputs / Outputs / API#
- input/reference_trajectory
: reference trajectory to follow.
- input/current_kinematic_state
: current state of the vehicle (position, velocity, etc).
- output/lateral_control_cmd
: generated lateral control command.
Parameter description#
The default parameters defined in param/lateral_controller_defaults.yaml
are adjusted to the
AutonomouStuff Lexus RX 450h for under 40 km/h driving.
Name | Type | Description | Default value |
show_debug_info | bool | display debug info | false |
ctrl_period | double | control period [s] | 0.03 |
traj_resample_dist | double | distance of waypoints in resampling [m] | 0.1 |
enable_path_smoothing | bool | path smoothing flag. This should be true when uses path resampling to reduce resampling noise. | true |
path_filter_moving_ave_num | int | number of data points moving average filter for path smoothing | 35 |
path_smoothing_times | int | number of times of applying path smoothing filter | 1 |
curvature_smoothing_num_ref_steer | double | index distance of points used in curvature calculation for reference steer command: p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num). larger num makes less noisy values. | 35 |
curvature_smoothing_num_traj | double | index distance of points used in curvature calculation for trajectory: p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num). larger num makes less noisy values. | 1 |
steering_lpf_cutoff_hz | double | cutoff frequency of lowpass filter for steering output command [hz] | 3.0 |
admissible_position_error | double | stop vehicle when following position error is larger than this value [m]. | 5.0 |
admissible_yaw_error_rad | double | stop vehicle when following yaw angle error is larger than this value [rad]. | 1.57 |
MPC algorithm#
Name | Type | Description | Default value |
qp_solver_type | string | QP solver option. described below in detail. | unconstraint_fast |
vehicle_model_type | string | vehicle model option. described below in detail. | kinematics |
prediction_horizon | int | total prediction step for MPC | 70 |
prediction_sampling_time | double | prediction period for one step [s] | 0.1 |
weight_lat_error | double | weight for lateral error | 0.1 |
weight_heading_error | double | weight for heading error | 0.0 |
weight_heading_error_squared_vel_coeff | double | weight for heading error * velocity | 5.0 |
weight_steering_input | double | weight for steering error (steer command - reference steer) | 1.0 |
weight_steering_input_squared_vel_coeff | double | weight for steering error (steer command - reference steer) * velocity | 0.25 |
weight_lat_jerk | double | weight for lateral jerk (steer(i) - steer(i-1)) * velocity | 0.0 |
weight_terminal_lat_error | double | terminal cost weight for lateral error | 1.0 |
weight_terminal_heading_error | double | terminal cost weight for heading error | 0.1 |
zero_ff_steer_deg | double | threshold of feedforward angle [deg]. feedforward angle smaller than this value is set to zero. | 2.0 |
Name | Type | Description | Default value |
cg_to_front_m | double | distance from baselink to the front axle[m] | 1.228 |
cg_to_rear_m | double | distance from baselink to the rear axle [m] | 1.5618 |
mass_fl | double | mass applied to front left tire [kg] | 600 |
mass_fr | double | mass applied to front right tire [kg] | 600 |
mass_rl | double | mass applied to rear left tire [kg] | 600 |
mass_rr | double | mass applied to rear right tire [kg] | 600 |
cf | double | front cornering power [N/rad] | 155494.663 |
cr | double | rear cornering power [N/rad] | 155494.663 |
steering_tau | double | steering dynamics time constant (1d approximation) for vehicle model [s] | 0.3 |
steer_lim_deg | double | steering angle limit for vehicle model [deg]. This is also used for QP constraint. | 35.0 |
How to tune MPC parameters#
Set appropriate vehicle kinematics parameters for distance to front and rear axle, and
. Also check that the inputVehicleKinematicState
has appropriate values (speed: vehicle rear-wheels-center velocity [km/h], angle: steering (tire) angle [rad]). These values give a vehicle information to the controller for path following. Errors in these values cause fundamental tracking error. -
Set appropriate vehicle dynamics parameters of
, which is the approximated delay from steering angle command to actual steering angle. -
= 1.0,weight_lat_error
= 0.1, and other weights to 0. If the vehicle oscillates when driving with low speed, setweight_lat_error
smaller. -
Adjust other weights. One of the simple way for tuning is to increase
until oscillation occurs. If the vehicle is unstable with very smallweight_lat_error
, increase terminal weight :weight_terminal_lat_error
to improve tracking stability. Largerprediction_horizon
and smallerprediction_sampling_time
is effective for tracking performance, but it is a trade-off between computational costs. Other parameters can be adjusted like below.
: Reduce lateral tracking error. This acts like P gain in PID.weight_heading_error
: Make a drive straight. This acts like D gain in PID.weight_heading_error_squared_vel_coeff
: Make a drive straight in high speed range.weight_steering_input
: Reduce oscillation of tracking.weight_steering_input_squared_vel_coeff
: Reduce oscillation of tracking in high speed range.weight_lat_jerk
: Reduce lateral jerk.weight_terminal_lat_error
: Preferable to set a higher value than normal lateral weightweight_lat_error
for stability.weight_terminal_heading_error
: Preferable to set a higher value than normal heading weightweight_heading_error
for stability.
Related issues#