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This plugin can display the history of the localization obtained by ekf_localizer or ndt_scan_matching.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
input/pose geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped In input/pose, put the result of localization calculated by ekf_localizer or ndt_scan_matching


Core Parameters#

Name Type Default Value Description
property_buffer_size_ int 100 Buffer size of topic
property_line_view_ bool true Use Line property or not
property_line_width_ float 0.1 Width of Line property [m]
property_line_alpha_ float 1.0 Alpha of Line property
property_line_color_ QColor Qt::white Color of Line property

Assumptions / Known limits#



  1. Start rviz and select Add under the Displays panel. select_add
  2. Select tier4_localization_rviz_plugin/PoseHistory and press OK. select_localization_plugin
  3. Enter the name of the topic where you want to view the trajectory. select_topic_name
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