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This is the design document for the autoware_testing package.

Purpose / Use cases#

The package aims to provide a unified way to add standard testing functionality to the package, currently supporting: - Smoke testing (add_smoke_test): launch a node with default configuration and ensure that it starts up and does not crash.


Uses ros_testing (which is an extension of launch_testing) and provides some parametrized, reusable standard tests to run.

Assumptions / Known limits#

Parametrization is limited to package, executable names, parameters filename and executable arguments. Test namespace is set as 'test'. Parameters file for the package is expected to be in param directory inside package.

Inputs / Outputs / API#

To add a smoke test to your package tests, add test dependency on autoware_testing to package.xml


and add the following two lines to CMakeLists.txt in the IF (BUILD_TESTING) section:

find_package(autoware_testing REQUIRED)
add_smoke_test(<package_name> <executable_name> [PARAM_FILENAME <param_filename>] [EXECUTABLE_ARGUMENTS <arguments>])


<package_name> - [required] tested node package name.

<executable_name> - [required] tested node executable name.

<param_filename> - [optional] param filename. Default value is test.param.yaml. Required mostly in situation where there are multiple smoke tests in a package and each requires different paramteres set

<arguments> - [optional] arguments passed to executable. By default no arguments are passed.

which adds <executable_name>_smoke_test test to suite.

Example test result:

build/<package_name>/test_results/<package_name>/<executable_name>_smoke_test.xunit.xml: 1 test, 0 errors, 0 failures, 0 skipped

References / External links#


Future extensions / Unimplemented parts#

  • Adding more types of standard tests.

Related issues#

  • Issue #700: add smoke test
  • Issue #1224: Port other packages with smoke tests to use autoware_testing
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