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imu_corrector_node is a node that correct imu data.

  1. Correct yaw rate offset \(b\) by reading the parameter.
  2. Correct yaw rate standard deviation \(\sigma\) by reading the parameter.

Mathematically, we assume the following equation:

\[ \tilde{\omega}(t) = \omega(t) + b(t) + n(t) \]

where \(\tilde{\omega}\) denotes observed angular velocity, \(\omega\) denotes true angular velocity, \(b\) denotes an offset, and \(n\) denotes a gaussian noise. We also assume that \(n\sim\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)\).

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
~input sensor_msgs::msg::Imu raw imu data


Name Type Description
~output sensor_msgs::msg::Imu corrected imu data


Core Parameters#

Name Type Description
angular_velocity_offset_x double roll rate offset in imu_link [rad/s]
angular_velocity_offset_y double pitch rate offset imu_link [rad/s]
angular_velocity_offset_z double yaw rate offset imu_link [rad/s]
angular_velocity_stddev_xx double roll rate standard deviation imu_link [rad/s]
angular_velocity_stddev_yy double pitch rate standard deviation imu_link [rad/s]
angular_velocity_stddev_zz double yaw rate standard deviation imu_link [rad/s]
acceleration_stddev double acceleration standard deviation imu_link [m/s^2]

Assumptions / Known limits#

(Optional) Error detection and handling#

(Optional) Performance characterization#

(Optional) Future extensions / Unimplemented parts#