The gnss_poser
is a node that subscribes gnss sensing messages and calculates vehicle pose with covariance.
Inner-workings / Algorithms
Name |
Type |
Description |
~/input/fix |
sensor_msgs::msg::NavSatFix |
gnss status message |
~/input/autoware_orientation |
autoware_sensing_msgs::msg::GnssInsOrientationStamped |
orientation click here for more details |
Name |
Type |
Description |
~/output/pose |
geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
vehicle pose calculated from gnss sensing data |
~/output/gnss_pose_cov |
geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped |
vehicle pose with covariance calculated from gnss sensing data |
~/output/gnss_fixed |
tier4_debug_msgs::msg::BoolStamped |
gnss fix status |
Core Parameters
Name |
Type |
Default Value |
Description |
base_frame |
string |
"base_link" |
frame id |
gnss_frame |
string |
"gnss" |
frame id |
gnss_base_frame |
string |
"gnss_base_link" |
frame id |
map_frame |
string |
"map" |
frame id |
coordinate_system |
int |
"4" |
coordinate system enumeration; 0: UTM, 1: MGRS, 2: Plane, 3: WGS84 Local Coordinate System, 4: UTM Local Coordinate System |
plane_zone |
int |
9 |
identification number of the plane rectangular coordinate systems. |
gnss_pose_pub_method |
int |
0 |
0: Instant Value 1: Average Value 2: Median Value. If 0 is chosen buffer_epoch parameter loses affect. |
Assumptions / Known limits
(Optional) Error detection and handling
(Optional) References/External links
(Optional) Future extensions / Unimplemented parts