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freespace planning algorithms#


This package is for development of path planning algorithms in free space.

Implemented algorithms#

  • Hybrid A* and RRT* (includes RRT and informed RRT*)

Please see for a note on the implementation for informed-RRT*.

NOTE: As for RRT*, one can choose whether update after feasible solution found in RRT*. If not doing so, the algorithm is the almost (but exactly because of rewiring procedure) same as vanilla RRT. If you choose update, then you have option if the sampling after feasible solution found is "informed". If set true, then the algorithm is equivalent to informed RRT\* of Gammell et al. 2014.

Algorithm selection#

There is a trade-off between algorithm speed and resulting solution quality. When we sort the algorithms by the spectrum of (high quality solution/ slow) -> (low quality solution / fast) it would be A* -> informed RRT* -> RRT. Note that in almost all case informed RRT* is better than RRT* for solution quality given the same computational time budget. So, RRT* is omitted in the comparison.

Some selection criteria would be:

  • If obstacle geometry is complex: -> avoid RRT and RRT*. The resulting path could be too messy.
  • If goal location is far from the start: -> avoid A*. Take too long time because it based on grid discretization.

Guide to implement a new algorithm#

  • All planning algorithm class in this package must inherit AbstractPlanningAlgorithm class. If necessary, please overwrite the virtual functions.
  • All algorithms must use nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid-typed costmap. Thus, AbstractPlanningAlgorithm class mainly implements the collision checking using the costmap, grid-based indexing, and coordinate transformation related to costmap.
  • All algorithms must take both PlannerCommonParam-typed and algorithm-specific- type structs as inputs of the constructor. For example, AstarSearch class's constructor takes both PlannerCommonParam and AstarParam.

Running the standalone tests and visualization#

Building the package with ros-test and run tests:

colcon build --packages-select freespace_planning_algorithms
colcon test --packages-select freespace_planning_algorithms

Inside the test, simulation results are stored in /tmp/fpalgos-{algorithm_type}-case{scenario_number} as a rosbag. Loading these resulting files, by using test/, one can create plots visualizing the path and obstacles as shown in the figures below. The created figures are then again saved in /tmp.

A* (single curvature case)#

sample output figure

informed RRT* with 200 msec time budget#

sample output figure

RRT* without update (almost same as RRT)#

sample output figure

The black cells, green box, and red box, respectively, indicate obstacles, start configuration, and goal configuration. The sequence of the blue boxes indicate the solution path.

License notice#

Files src/reeds_shepp.cpp and include/astar_search/reeds_shepp.h are fetched from pyReedsShepp. Note that the implementation in pyReedsShepp is also heavily based on the code in ompl. Both pyReedsShepp and ompl are distributed under 3-clause BSD license.