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The intersection module is responsible for safely going through urban intersections by:

  1. checking collisions with upcoming vehicles
  2. recognizing the occluded area in the intersection
  3. reacting to arrow signals of associated traffic lights

The module is desinged to be agnositc to left-hand/right-hand traffic rules and works on crossroads, T-shape junctions, etc.


Activation condition#

This module is activated when the path contains the lanes with turn_direction tag. More precisely, if the lane_ids of the path contains the ids of those lanes, corresponding instances of intersection module are activated on each lanes respectively.


  • The HDMap needs to have the information of turn_direction tag (which should be one of straight, left, right) for all the lanes in intersections and right_of_way tag for specific lanes (refer to RightOfWay section for more details). See lanelet2_extension document for more detail.
  • WIP(perception requirements/limitations)
  • WIP(sensor visibility requirements/limitations)

Attention area#

The Attention Area in the intersection are defined as the set of lanes that are conflicting with ego vehicle's path and their preceding lanes up to attention_area_length meters. RightOfWay tag is used to rule out the lanes that each lane has priority given the traffic light relation and turn_direction priority.

Intersection Area, which is supposed to be defined on the HDMap, is an area convering the entire intersection.


Right Of Way#

Following table shows an example of how to assign right_of_way tag and set yield_lanes to each lane in intersections.

turn direction / traffic light w/ traffic light w/o traffic light
straight Highest priority of all Priority over left/right lanes of the same group
left(Left hand traffic) Priority over the other group and right lanes of the same group Priority over right lanes of the same group
right(Left hand traffic) Priority only over the other group priority only over the other gruop
left(Right hand traffic) Priority only over the other group Priority only over the other group
right(Right hand traffic) Priority over the other group and left lanes of the same group priority over left lanes of the same group

This setting gives the following attention_area configurations.

attention_area_straight attention_area_ll_rr attention_area_lr_rl

Target objects#

For stuck vehicle detection and collision detection, this module checks car, bus, truck, trailer, motor cycle, and bicycle type objects.

Objects that satisfy all of the following conditions are considered as target objects (possible collision objects):

  • The center of mass of the object is within a certain distance from the attention lane (threshold = attention_area_margin) .
    • (Optional condition) The center of gravity is in the intersection area.
      • To deal with objects that is in the area not covered by the lanelets in the intersection.
  • The posture of object is the same direction as the attention lane (threshold = attention_area_angle_threshold).
  • Not being in the adjacent lanes of the ego vehicle.

Stuck Vehicle Detection#

If there is any object in a certain distance (stuck_vehicle_ignore_dist and stuck_vehicle_detect_dist) before and after the exit of the intersection lane and the object velocity is less than a threshold (=stuck_vehicle_vel_thr), the object is regarded as a stuck vehicle. If stuck vehicles exist, this module inserts a stopline a certain distance (=stop_line_margin) before the overlapped region with other lanes. The stuck vehicle detection area is generated based on the vehicle path, so the stuck vehicle stopline is not inserted if the upstream module generated avoidance path


Collision detection#

The following process is performed for the targets objects to determine whether the ego vehicle can pass the intersection safely. If it is judged that the ego vehicle cannot pass through the intersection with enough margin, it will insert a stopline on the path.

  1. calculate the time interval that the ego vehicle is in the intersection. This time is set as \(t_s\) ~ \(t_e\)
  2. extract the predicted path of the target object whose confidence is greater than min_predicted_path_confidence.
  3. detect collision between the extracted predicted path and ego's predicted path in the following process.
    1. obtain the passing area of the ego vehicle \(A_{ego}\) in \(t_s\) ~ \(t_e\).
    2. calculate the passing area of the target object \(A_{target}\) at \(t_s\) - collision_start_margin_time ~ \(t_e\) + collision_end_margin_time for each predicted path (*1).
    3. check if \(A_{ego}\) and \(A_{target}\) polygons are overlapped (has collision).
  4. when a collision is detected, the module inserts a stopline.
  5. If ego is over the pass_judge_line, collision checking is not processed to avoid sudden braking and/or unnecessary stop in the middle of the intersection.

The parameters collision_start_margin_time and collision_end_margin_time can be interpreted as follows:

  • If the ego vehicle was to pass through the intersection earlier than the target object, collision would be detected if the time difference between the two was less than collision_start_margin_time.
  • If the ego vehicle was to pass through the intersection later than the target object, collision would be detected if the time difference between the two was less than collision_end_margin_time.

If collision is detected, the state transits to "STOP" immediately. On the other hand, the state does not transit to "GO" unless safe judgement continues for a certain period to prevent the chattering of decisions.

Stop Line Automatic Generation#

If a stopline is associated with the intersection lane, that line is used as the stopline for collision detection. Otherwise the path is interpolated at a certain intervals (=path_interpolation_ds), and the point which is stop_line_margin meters behind the attention lane is defined as the position of the stop line for the vehicle front.

Pass Judge Line#

To avoid a rapid braking, if deceleration and jerk more than a threshold (behavior_velocity_planner.max_accel and behavior_velocity_planner.max_jerk) are needed to stop just in front of the attention area, this module does not insert stopline after passing the default stopline position.

Module Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
common.attention_area_margin double [m] margin for expanding attention area width
common.attention_area_length double [m] range for object detection
common.attention_area_angle_threshold double [rad] threshold of angle difference between the detected object and lane
common.stop_line_margin double [m] margin before stop line
common.intersection_velocity double [m/s] velocity profile for pass judge calculation
common.intersection_max_accel double [m/s^2] acceleration profile for pass judge calculation
common.stop_overshoot_margin double [m] margin for the overshoot from stopline
common.path_interpolation_ds double [m] path interpolation interval
stuck_vehicle.stuck_vehicle_detect_dist double [m] length toward from the exit of intersection for stuck vehicle detection
stuck_vehicle.stuck_vehicle_ignore_dist double [m] length behind the exit of intersection for stuck vehicle detection
stuck_vehicle.stuck_vehicle_vel_thr double [m/s] velocity threhsold for stuck vehicle detection
collision_detection.state_transit_margin_time double [m] time margin to change state
collision_detection.min_predicted_path_confidence double [-] minimum confidence value of predicted path to use for collision detection
collision_detection.collision_start_margin_time double [s] time margin for the beginning of collision with upcoming vehicle
collision_detection.collision_end_margin_time double [s] time margin for the finish of collision with upcoming vehicle
collision_detection.keep_detection_vel_thr double [m/s] ego velocity threshold for continuing collision detection before pass judge line
occlusion.occlusion_attention_area_length double [m] the length of attention are for occlusion detection
occlusion.enable_creeping bool [-] flag to insert occlusion_creep_velocity while peeking to intersection occlusion stopline
occlusion.peeking_offset double [m] the offset of the front of the vehicle into the attention area for peeking to occlusion
occlusion.min_vehicle_brake_for_rss double [m/s] assumed minimum brake of the vehicle running from behind the occlusion
occlusion.max_vehicle_velocity_for_rss double [m/s] assumed maximum velocity of the vehicle running from behind the occlusion
occlusion.denoise_kernel double [m] the window size of morphology process for clearing noisy occlusion

How to turn parameters#




uml diagram

Merge From Private#


When an ego vehicle enters a public road from a private road (e.g. a parking lot), it needs to face and stop before entering the public road to make sure it is safe.

This module is activated when there is an intersection at the private area from which the vehicle enters the public road. The stop line is generated both when the goal is in the intersection lane and when the path goes beyond the intersection lane. The basic behavior is the same as the intersection module, but the ego vehicle must stop once at the stop line.


Activation Timing#

This module is activated when the following conditions are met:

  • ego-lane has a private tag
  • ego-lane has a conflict with other no-private lanelets

Module Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
merge_from_private_road/stop_duration_sec double [m] time margin to change state

Known Issue#

If ego vehicle go over the stop line for a certain distance, then ego vehicle will not transit from STOP.