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It is a package for traffic light detection using MobileNetV2 and SSDLite.

Training Information#


  • Currently, Autoware supports SSD trained both pytorch-ssd and mmdetection.
    • Please specify either pytorch or mmdetection in dnn_header_type.
  • Note that, tensor names of your onnx model conform the following.
    • Input tensor: input
    • Output box tensor: boxes.
    • Output score tensor: scores.

Pretrained Model#

The model is based on pytorch-ssd and the pretrained model could be downloaded from here.

Training Data#

The model was fine-tuned on 1750 TIER IV internal images of Japanese traffic lights.

Trained Onnx model#

Customization of CNN model#

In order to train models and export onnx model, we recommend open-mmlab/mmdetection. Please follow the official document to install and experiment with mmdetection. If you get into troubles, FAQ page would help you.

The following steps are example of a quick-start.

step 0. Install MMCV and MIM#


  • First of all, install PyTorch suitable for your CUDA version (CUDA11.6 is supported in Autoware).
  • Our tested library versions are following. If the scripts as shown below would be old, please update to be suited to your version.
    • MMCV == 1.x
    • MMDetection == 2.x
    • MMDeploy == 0.x
    • MIM == 0.3.x

In order to install mmcv suitable for your CUDA version, install it specifying a url.

# Install mim
$ pip install -U openmim

# Install mmcv on a machine with CUDA11.6 and PyTorch1.13.0
$ pip install mmcv-full -f

step 1. Install MMDetection#

You can install mmdetection as a Python package or from source.

# As a Python package
$ pip install mmdet

# From source
$ git clone
$ cd mmdetection
$ pip install -v -e .

step 2. Train your model#

Train model with your experiment configuration file. For the details of config file, see here.

# [] is optional, you can start training from pre-trained checkpoint
$ mim train mmdet [--resume-from YOUR_CHECKPOINT.pth]

step 3. Export onnx model#

In exporting onnx, use mmdetection/tools/deployment/ or open-mmlab/mmdeploy. NOTE:

  • Currently, autoware does not support TensorRT plugin for NMS defined by open-mmlab. Therefore, please deploy onnx model excluding NMS layer.
cd ~/mmdetection/tools/deployment
python3 ...

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

Based on the camera image and the global ROI array detected by map_based_detection node, a CNN-based detection method enables highly accurate traffic light detection.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
~/input/image sensor_msgs/Image The full size camera image
~/input/rois tier4_perception_msgs::msg::TrafficLightRoiArray The array of ROIs detected by map_based_detector


Name Type Description
~/output/rois tier4_perception_msgs::msg::TrafficLightRoiArray The detected accurate rois
~/debug/exe_time_ms tier4_debug_msgs::msg::Float32Stamped The time taken for inference


Core Parameters#

Name Type Default Value Description
score_thresh double 0.7 If the objectness score is less than this value, the object is ignored
mean std::vector [0.5,0.5,0.5] Average value of the normalized values of the image data used for training
std std::vector [0.5,0.5,0.5] Standard deviation of the normalized values of the image data used for training

Node Parameters#

Name Type Default Value Description
onnx_file string "./data/mb2-ssd-lite-tlr.onnx" The onnx file name for yolo model
label_file string "./data/voc_labels_tl.txt" The label file with label names for detected objects written on it
dnn_header_type string "pytorch" Name of DNN trained toolbox: "pytorch" or "mmdetection"
mode string "FP32" The inference mode: "FP32", "FP16", "INT8"
max_batch_size int 8 The size of the batch processed at one time by inference by TensorRT
approximate_sync bool false Flag for whether to ues approximate sync policy
build_only bool false shutdown node after TensorRT engine file is built

Assumptions / Known limits#

Reference repositories#

pytorch-ssd github repository


  • M. Sandler, A. Howard, M. Zhu, A. Zhmoginov and L. Chen, "MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks," 2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Salt Lake City, UT, 2018, pp. 4510-4520, doi: 10.1109/CVPR.2018.00474.