This package convert from radar_msgs/msg/RadarTracks into autoware_auto_perception_msgs/msg/DetectedObject and autoware_auto_perception_msgs/msg/TrackedObject.
- Calculation cost is O(n).
- n: The number of radar objects
Input / Output#
- Input
(radar_msgs/msg/RadarTracks.msg): Input radar topic~/input/odometry
(nav_msgs/msg/Odometry.msg): Ego vehicle odometry topic
- Output
(autoware_auto_perception_msgs/msg/DetectedObject.idl): The topic converted to Autoware's message. This is used for radar sensor fusion detection and radar detection.~/output/radar_tracked_objects
(autoware_auto_perception_msgs/msg/TrackedObject.idl): The topic converted to Autoware's message. This is used for tracking layer sensor fusion.
(double): The update rate [hz].- Default parameter is 20.0
(string): The header frame of output topic.- Default parameter is "base_link"
(bool): If the parameter is true, then the twist of output objects' topic is compensated by ego vehicle motion.- Default parameter is "false"
This package convert the label from radar_msgs/msg/RadarTrack.msg
to Autoware label.
Label id is defined as below.
RadarTrack | Autoware | |
UNKNOWN | 32000 | 0 |
CAR | 32001 | 1 |
TRUCK | 32002 | 2 |
BUS | 32003 | 3 |
TRAILER | 32004 | 4 |
MOTORCYCLE | 32005 | 5 |
BICYCLE | 32006 | 6 |
PEDESTRIAN | 32007 | 7 |
- radar_msgs/msg/RadarTrack.msg: additional vendor-specific classifications are permitted starting from 32000.
- Autoware objects label