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This package contains a front vehicle velocity estimation for offline perception module analysis. This package can:

  • Attach velocity to 3D detections from velocity estimation with LiDAR pointcloud.


  • Processing flow
    1. Choose front vehicle from front area objects.
    2. Choose nearest neighbor point within front vehicle.
    3. Estimate velocity of front vehicle by using the differentiated value from time series of nearest neighbor point positions.
    4. Compensate ego vehicle twist


Name Type Description
~/input/objects autoware_auto_perception_msgs/msg/DetectedObject.msg 3D detected objects.
~/input/pointcloud sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2.msg LiDAR pointcloud.
~/input/odometry nav_msgs::msg::Odometry.msg Odometry data.


Name Type Description
~/output/objects autoware_auto_perception_msgs/msg/DetectedObjects.msg 3D detected object with twist.
~/debug/nearest_neighbor_pointcloud sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2.msg The pointcloud msg of nearest neighbor point.

Node parameter#

Name Type Description Default value
update_rate_hz double The update rate [hz]. 10.0

Core parameter#

Name Type Description Default value
moving_average_num int The moving average number for velocity estimation. 1
threshold_pointcloud_z_high float The threshold for z position value of point when choosing nearest neighbor point within front vehicle [m]. If z > threshold_pointcloud_z_high, the point is considered to noise. 1.0f
threshold_pointcloud_z_low float The threshold for z position value of point when choosing nearest neighbor point within front vehicle [m]. If z < threshold_pointcloud_z_low, the point is considered to noise like ground. 0.6f
threshold_relative_velocity double The threshold for min and max of estimated relative velocity (\(v_{re}\)) [m/s]. If \(v_{re}\) < - threshold_relative_velocity , then \(v_{re}\) = - threshold_relative_velocity. If \(v_{re}\) > threshold_relative_velocity, then \(v_{re}\) = threshold_relative_velocity. 10.0
threshold_absolute_velocity double The threshold for max of estimated absolute velocity (\(v_{ae}\)) [m/s]. If \(v_{ae}\) > threshold_absolute_velocity, then \(v_{ae}\) = threshold_absolute_velocity. 20.0