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obstacle pointcloud based validator#

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

If the number of obstacle point groups in the DetectedObjects is small, it is considered a false positive and removed. The obstacle point cloud can be a point cloud after compare map filtering or a ground filtered point cloud.

debug sample image

In the debug image above, the red DetectedObject is the validated object. The blue object is the deleted object.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
~/input/detected_objects autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::DetectedObjects DetectedObjects
~/input/obstacle_pointcloud sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 Obstacle point cloud of dynamic objects


Name Type Description
~/output/objects autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::DetectedObjects validated DetectedObjects


Name Type Description
min_points_num int The minimum number of obstacle point clouds in DetectedObjects
max_points_num int The max number of obstacle point clouds in DetectedObjects
min_points_and_distance_ratio float Threshold value of the number of point clouds per object when the distance from baselink is 1m, because the number of point clouds varies with the distance from baselink.
enable_debugger bool Whether to create debug topics or not?

Assumptions / Known limits#

Currently, only represented objects as BoundingBox or Cylinder are supported.