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This package contains some executable nodes related to particle filter.



  • This node performs predictive updating and resampling of particles.
  • It retroactively reflects the particle weights determined by the corrector node.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
input/initialpose geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped to specify the initial position of particles
input/twist_with_covariance geometry_msgs::msg::TwistWithCovarianceStamped linear velocity and angular velocity of prediction update
input/height std_msgs::msg::Float32 ground height
input/weighted_particles yabloc_particle_filter::msg::ParticleArray particles weighted by corrector nodes


Name Type Description
output/pose_with_covariance geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped particle centroid with covariance
output/pose geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped particle centroid with covariance
output/predicted_particles yabloc_particle_filter::msg::ParticleArray particles weighted by predictor nodes
debug/init_marker visualization_msgs::msg::Marker debug visualization of initial position
debug/particles_marker_array visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray particles visualization. published if visualize is true


Name Type Description
visualize bool whether particles are also published in visualization_msgs or not
static_linear_covariance double to override the covariance of /twist_with_covariance
static_angular_covariance double to override the covariance of /twist_with_covariance
resampling_interval_seconds double the interval of particle resampling
num_of_particles int the number of particles
prediction_rate double frequency of forecast updates, in Hz
cov_xx_yy vector\<double> the covariance of initial pose



  • This node estimated particles weight using GNSS.
  • It supports two types of input: ublox_msgs::msg::NavPVT and geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
input/height std_msgs::msg::Float32 ground height
input/predicted_particles yabloc_particle_filter::msg::ParticleArray predicted particles
input/pose_with_covariance geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped gnss measurement. used if use_ublox_msg is false
input/navpvt ublox_msgs::msg::NavPVT gnss measurement. used if use_ublox_msg is true


Name Type Description
output/weighted_particles yabloc_particle_filter::msg::ParticleArray weighted particles
debug/gnss_range_marker visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray gnss weight distribution
debug/particles_marker_array visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray particles visualization. published if visualize is true


Name Type Description
acceptable_max_delay double how long to hold the predicted particles
visualize double whether publish particles as marker_array or not
mahalanobis_distance_threshold double if the Mahalanobis distance to the GNSS for particle exceeds this, the correction skips.
for_fixed/max_weight bool parameter for gnss weight distribution
for_fixed/flat_radius bool parameter for gnss weight distribution
for_fixed/max_radius bool parameter for gnss weight distribution
for_fixed/min_weight bool parameter for gnss weight distribution
for_not_fixed/flat_radius bool parameter for gnss weight distribution
for_not_fixed/max_radius bool parameter for gnss weight distribution
for_not_fixed/min_weight bool parameter for gnss weight distribution
for_not_fixed/max_weight bool parameter for gnss weight distribution



  • This node estimated particles weight using GNSS.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
input/predicted_particles yabloc_particle_filter::msg::ParticleArray predicted particles
input/ll2_bounding_box sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 road surface markings converted to line segments
input/ll2_road_marking sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 road surface markings converted to line segments
input/projected_line_segments_cloud sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 projected line segments
input/pose geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped reference to retrieve the area map around the self location


Name Type Description
output/weighted_particles yabloc_particle_filter::msg::ParticleArray weighted particles
debug/cost_map_image sensor_msgs::msg::Image cost map created from lanelet2
debug/cost_map_range visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray cost map boundary
debug/match_image sensor_msgs::msg::Image projected line segments image
debug/scored_cloud sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 weighted 3d line segments
debug/scored_post_cloud sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 weighted 3d line segments which are iffy
debug/state_string std_msgs::msg::String string describing the node state
debug/particles_marker_array visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray particles visualization. published if visualize is true


Name Type Description
acceptable_max_delay double how long to hold the predicted particles
visualize double whether publish particles as marker_array or not
image_size int image size of debug/cost_map_image
max_range double width of hierarchical cost map
gamma double gamma value of the intensity gradient of the cost map
min_prob double minimum particle weight the corrector node gives
far_weight_gain double exp(-far_weight_gain_ * squared_distance_from_camera) is weight gain. if this is large, the nearby road markings will be more important
enabled_at_first bool if it is false, this node is not activated at first. you can activate by service call


Name Type Description
switch_srv std_srvs::srv::SetBool activation and deactivation of correction