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This package contains some executable nodes related to image processing.



This node extract all line segments from gray scale image.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
input/image_raw sensor_msgs::msg::Image undistorted image


Name Type Description
output/image_with_line_segments sensor_msgs::msg::Image image with line segments highlighted
output/line_segments_cloud sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 detected line segments as point cloud. each point contains x,y,z, normal_x, normal_y, normal_z and z, and normal_z are always empty.



This node extract road surface region by graph-based-segmentation.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
input/image_raw sensor_msgs::msg::Image undistorted image


Name Type Description
output/mask_image sensor_msgs::msg::Image image with masked segments determined as road surface area
output/segmented_image sensor_msgs::msg::Image segmented image for visualization


Name Type Description
target_height_ratio double height on the image to retrieve the candidate road surface
target_candidate_box_width int size of the square area to search for candidate road surfaces
pickup_additional_graph_segment bool if this is true, additional regions of similar color are retrieved
similarity_score_threshold double threshold for picking up additional areas
sigma double parameters for cv::ximgproc::segmentation
k double parameters for cv::ximgproc::segmentation
min_size double parameters for cv::ximgproc::segmentation



This is a node that integrates the results of graph_segment and lsd to extract road surface markings.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
input/line_segments_cloud sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 detected line segment
input/mask_image sensor_msgs::msg::Image image with masked segments determined as road surface area
input/camera_info sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo undistorted camera info


Name Type Description
output/line_segments_cloud sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 filtered line segments for visualization
output/projected_image sensor_msgs::msg::Image projected filtered line segments for visualization
output/projected_line_segments_cloud sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 projected filtered line segments


Name Type Description
min_segment_length double min length threshold (if it is negative, it is unlimited)
max_segment_distance double max distance threshold (if it is negative, it is unlimited)
max_lateral_distance double max lateral distance threshold (if it is negative, it is unlimited)
publish_image_with_segment_for_debug bool toggle whether to publish the filtered line segment for debug
max_range double range of debug projection visualization
image_size int image size of debug projection visualization



This node performs image resizing and undistortion at the same time.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
input/camera_info sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo raw compressed image
input/image_raw/compressed sensor_msgs::msg::CompressedImage raw sensor info


Name Type Description
output/camera_info sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo resized camera info
output/image_raw sensor_msgs::msg::CompressedImage undistorted and resized image


Name Type Description
use_sensor_qos bool where to use sensor qos or not
width int resized image width size
override_frame_id string value for overriding the camera's frame_id. if blank, frame_id of static_tf is not overwritten

about tf_static overriding#

click to open
Some nodes requires `/tf_static` from `/base_link` to the frame_id of `/sensing/camera/traffic_light/image_raw/compressed` (e.g. `/traffic_light_left_camera/camera_optical_link`). You can verify that the tf_static is correct with the following command.
ros2 run tf2_ros tf2_echo base_link traffic_light_left_camera/camera_optical_link
If the wrong `/tf_static` are broadcasted due to using a prototype vehicle, not having accurate calibration data, or some other unavoidable reason, it is useful to give the frame_id in `override_camera_frame_id`. If you give it a non-empty string, `/image_processing/undistort_node` will rewrite the frame_id in camera_info. For example, you can give a different tf_static as follows.
ros2 launch yabloc_launch sample_launch.xml override_camera_frame_id:=fake_camera_optical_link
ros2 run tf2_ros static_transform_publisher \
  --frame-id base_link \
  --child-frame-id fake_camera_optical_link \
  --roll -1.57 \
  --yaw -1.570



This node overlays lanelet2 on the camera image based on the estimated self-position.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
input/pose geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped estimated self pose
input/projected_line_segments_cloud sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 projected line segments including non-road markings
input/camera_info sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo undistorted camera info
input/image_raw sensor_msgs::msg::Image undistorted camera image
input/ground std_msgs::msg::Float32MultiArray ground tilt
input/ll2_road_marking sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 lanelet2 elements regarding road surface markings
input/ll2_sign_board sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 lanelet2 elements regarding traffic sign boards


Name Type Description
output/lanelet2_overlay_image sensor_msgs::msg::Image lanelet2 overlaid image
output/projected_marker visualization_msgs::msg::Marker 3d projected line segments including non-road markings



This node visualize classified line segments on the camera image

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
input/line_segments_cloud sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 classified line segments
input/image_raw sensor_msgs::msg::Image undistorted camera image


Name Type Description
output/image_with_colored_line_segments sensor_msgs::msg::Image image with highlighted line segments