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Planning Evaluator#


This package provides a node to convert diagnostic_msgs::msg::DiagnosticArray messages into tier4_simulation_msgs::msg::UserDefinedValue messages.

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

The node subscribes to all topics listed in the parameters and assumes they publish DiagnosticArray messages. Each time such message is received, it is converted into as many UserDefinedValue messages as the number of KeyValue objects. The format of the output topic is detailed in the output section.

Inputs / Outputs#


The node listens to DiagnosticArray messages on the topics specified in the parameters.


The node outputs UserDefinedValue messages that are converted from the received DiagnosticArray.

The name of the output topics are generated from the corresponding input topic, the name of the diagnostic status, and the key of the diagnostic. For example, we might listen to topic /diagnostic_topic and receive a DiagnosticArray with 2 status:

  • Status with name: "x".
    • Key: a.
    • Key: b.
  • Status with name: "y".
    • Key: a.
    • Key: c.

The resulting topics to publish the UserDefinedValue are as follows:

  • /metrics_x_a.
  • /metrics_x_b.
  • /metrics_y_a.
  • /metrics_y_c.


Name Type Description
diagnostic_topics list of string list of DiagnosticArray topics to convert to UserDefinedValue

Assumptions / Known limits#

Values in the KeyValue objects of a DiagnosticStatus are assumed to be of type double.

Future extensions / Unimplemented parts#