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Lane Departure Checker#

The Lane Departure Checker checks if vehicle follows a trajectory. If it does not follow the trajectory, it reports its status via diagnostic_updater.


This package includes the following features:

  • Lane Departure: Check if ego vehicle is going to be out of lane boundaries based on output from control module (predicted trajectory).
  • Trajectory Deviation: Check if ego vehicle's pose does not deviate from the trajectory. Checking lateral, longitudinal and yaw deviation.

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

How to extend footprint by covariance#

  1. Calculate the standard deviation of error ellipse(covariance) in vehicle coordinate.

    1.Transform covariance into vehicle coordinate.

    Calculate covariance in vehicle coordinate.

    2.The longitudinal length we want to expand is correspond to marginal distribution of \(x_{vehicle}\), which is represented in \(Cov_{vehicle}(0,0)\). In the same way, the lateral length is represented in \(Cov_{vehicle}(1,1)\). Wikipedia reference here.

  2. Expand footprint based on the standard deviation multiplied with footprint_margin_scale.



  • /localization/kinematic_state [nav_msgs::msg::Odometry]
  • /map/vector_map [autoware_auto_mapping_msgs::msg::HADMapBin]
  • /planning/mission_planning/route [autoware_planning_msgs::msg::LaneletRoute]
  • /planning/scenario_planning/trajectory [autoware_auto_planning_msgs::msg::Trajectory]
  • /control/trajectory_follower/predicted_trajectory [autoware_auto_planning_msgs::msg::Trajectory]


  • [diagnostic_updater] lane_departure : Update diagnostic level when ego vehicle is out of lane.
  • [diagnostic_updater] trajectory_deviation : Update diagnostic level when ego vehicle deviates from trajectory.


Node Parameters#

Name Type Description Default value
update_rate double Frequency for publishing [Hz] 10.0
visualize_lanelet bool Flag for visualizing lanelet False

Core Parameters#

Name Type Description Default value
footprint_margin_scale double Coefficient for expanding footprint margin. Multiplied by 1 standard deviation. 1.0
resample_interval double Minimum Euclidean distance between points when resample trajectory.[m] 0.3
max_deceleration double Maximum deceleration when calculating braking distance. 2.8
delay_time double Delay time which took to actuate brake when calculating braking distance. [second] 1.3
max_lateral_deviation double Maximum lateral deviation in vehicle coordinate. [m] 2.0
max_longitudinal_deviation double Maximum longitudinal deviation in vehicle coordinate. [m] 2.0
max_yaw_deviation_deg double Maximum ego yaw deviation from trajectory. [deg] 60.0