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  1. Defining a GoalsList by adding goals using RvizTool (Pose on the map).

  2. Automatic execution of the created GoalsList from the selected goal - it can be stopped and restarted.

  3. Looping the current GoalsList.

  4. Saving achieved goals to a file.

  5. Plan the route to one (single) selected goal and starting that route - it can be stopped and restarted.

  6. Remove any goal from the list or clear the current route.

  7. Save the current GoalsList to a file and load the list from the file.

  8. The application enables/disables access to options depending on the current state.

  9. The saved GoalsList can be executed without using a plugin - using a node automatic_goal_sender.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
/api/operation_mode/state autoware_adapi_v1_msgs::msg::OperationModeState The topic represents the state of operation mode
/api/routing/state autoware_adapi_v1_msgs::msg::RouteState The topic represents the state of route
/rviz2/automatic_goal/goal geometry_msgs::msgs::PoseStamped The topic for adding goals to GoalsList


Name Type Description
/api/operation_mode/change_to_autonomous autoware_adapi_v1_msgs::srv::ChangeOperationMode The service to change operation mode to autonomous
/api/operation_mode/change_to_stop autoware_adapi_v1_msgs::srv::ChangeOperationMode The service to change operation mode to stop
/api/routing/set_route_points autoware_adapi_v1_msgs::srv::SetRoutePoints The service to set route
/api/routing/clear_route autoware_adapi_v1_msgs::srv::ClearRoute The service to clear route state
/rviz2/automatic_goal/markers visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray The topic to visualize goals as rviz markers


  1. Start rviz and select panels/Add new panel.


  2. Select tier4_automatic_goal_rviz_plugin/AutowareAutomaticGoalPanel and press OK.

  3. Select Add a new tool.


  4. Select tier4_automatic_goal_rviz_plugin/AutowareAutomaticGoalTool and press OK.

  5. Add goals visualization as markers to Displays.


  6. Append goals to the GoalsList to be achieved using 2D Append Goal - in such a way that routes can be planned.

  7. Start sequential planning and goal achievement by clicking Send goals automatically


  8. You can save GoalsList by clicking Save to file.

  9. After saving, you can run the GoalsList without using a plugin also:

    • example: ros2 launch tier4_automatic_goal_rviz_plugin automatic_goal_sender.launch.xml goals_list_file_path:="/tmp/goals_list.yaml" goals_achieved_dir_path:="/tmp/"
      • goals_list_file_path - is the path to the saved GoalsList file to be loaded
      • goals_achieved_dir_path - is the path to the directory where the file goals_achieved.log will be created and the achieved goals will be written to it


If the application (Engagement) goes into ERROR mode (usually returns to EDITING later), it means that one of the services returned a calling error (code!=0). In this situation, check the terminal output for more information.

  • Often it is enough to try again.
  • Sometimes a clearing of the current route is required before retrying.