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This node is a simple node that subscribes to the geo-referenced pose topic and publishes the pose in the map frame.

Subscribed Topics#

Name Type Description
input_geo_pose geographic_msgs::msg::GeoPoseWithCovarianceStamped geo-referenced pose
/map/map_projector_info tier4_map_msgs::msg::MapProjectedObjectInfo map projector info

Published Topics#

Name Type Description
output_pose geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped pose in map frame
/tf tf2_msgs::msg::TFMessage tf from parent link to the child link


Name Type Description Default Range
publish_tf boolean whether to publish tf True N/A
parent_frame string parent frame for published tf map N/A
child_frame string child frame for published tf pose_estimator_base_link N/A


The covariance conversion may be incorrect depending on the projection type you are using. The covariance of input topic is expressed in (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude) as a diagonal matrix. Currently, we assume that the x axis is the east direction and the y axis is the north direction. Thus, the conversion may be incorrect when this assumption breaks, especially when the covariance of latitude and longitude is different.